We are a newly formed enterprise with the sole purpose of helping the older generation to regain their strong physical and mental ability in their twilight years.
We plan to make them feel as good as they can and good enough for a bright future. We will be their silent partners on the road to recovery. We will be able to assist them in various areas to put their lives back to normal.
Obtain Annual Pensioner's Life Certificate. All banking activities like depositing or withdrawing cash, keep track of their savings records such as fixed deposits, tax returns, insurance, share investments etc. Income tax and Property tax matters are also taken care off.
Vrddha team talk to them, read them news papers and books. Make sure that they do not brood over their illness or loneliness. We greet them on their birthdays, wedding anniversaries and on important festival occasions chasing the loneliness away.
Our medical assistance covers areas of cholesterol, cancer, high BP,Allergies, Heart Diseases, Obesity to mention a few. We just do not administer medicines alone, we administer hope and confidence in themselves. Give them the feeling of well-being. It is the nursing care that makes all the difference.
Our Team helps Senior Citizens and other members of our group in assisting to get Annual Pensioner's Life Certificate, Renewals of Bank RDs, FDs, Govt.Bonds, Mutual Funds, Stock & Shares. Assisting withsdarawal of Money through Cheques, organising Insurance, Medical Bill payments, etc
Vrddha Care invites interested Donors to support this noble cause of protecting the elders' welfare. Already few NRI's have pledged support for this Venture. More are showing interest. Your investment is bound to grow over the years.
Vrddha Care periodically publishes e-News Letter about the Events, Happenings, Operations, Contributions, Offered Services, Donations, etc